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These are the committees defined within Marianas Yacht Club. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
50th Anniversary Planning Committee
shall enroll and assist eligible persons to become members of the MYC; shall review membership applications for recommendation to the Board of Directors; shall assist the Secretary in maintaining membership rolls; and shall conduct recruiting activities as may be desirable.
Social Committee
The Social Committee shall supervise and organzie MYC social actvities, including coordation with other MYC Boards and Committees
Racing and Regatta Committee
shall supervise and organize MYC racing and regatta activities, including coordination with other MYC Boards and Committees.
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Acts as ambassador of the club for visiting sailors.
House and Grounds Committee
shall supervise and organize the operations, maintenance, repair and/or construction of MYC land facilities, and shall be responsible for all equipment pertaining thereto.
Dockmaster and Harbor Committee
shall supervise and organize the operation, maintenance, repair, and/or construction of MYC water facilities, and shall be responsible for all equipment pertaining thereto.
The governing body of the MARIANAS YACHT CLUB shall be the Board of Directors composed of the Commodore, Vice Commodore, the Rear Commodores, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate past Commodore, two members at large and the Chairperson of the Race and Regatta Committee.
Planning and Development Committee
The Planning and Development Committee shall consider the overall short and long range planning of MYC land and water facilities, including identification of needs, development of alternatives, and recommendation of budget and priorities.
Water Safety and Training Committee
shall supervise and organize MYC water safety and training programs, and shall be responsible for procurement, operation, and maintenance of MYC water safety equipment.
Board of Advisors