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Tradeswinds Series Race 3 Results

Published on 2/8/2020

Tradewinds 2020 Series 3 


Tradewinds 2020 - Race 3

Wow!  What a day on the water.  The wind was steady out of the northeast at 10-12Kts with which allowed for an opportunity for everyone show their skills in some light to medium air sailing.  The race course proved to work out despite a few changes in the placement of the marks.  Starts proved critical as usual but boat speed and overall course strategy were critical to being successful today.  Sailors who were able to take advantage of the favored ends of the course made big gains.  Despite all, competitors stayed relatively near one another which made for some exciting tactics displayed both upwind and downwind.  Made Bradley took first place, JJ Shock with second and Charles Masters made his debut on the podium this Sunday with third.  It’s a real pleasure to watch all the racers on the water.  One more weekend left in the series.  See everyone on the 23rd of February!


Larry Williams

Race Chair


For the latest photos, check out the photo album     2020 Tradewinds Series