2nd Annual GTA Sail Thru Life Regatta
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Hosted by
Marianas Yacht Club
Micronesian Laser Association
Guam Sailing Federation
In 2014 GTA inaugurated the GTA SAIL THRU LIFE REGATTA in partnership with the Marianas Yacht Club to create a fun and eventful day of sail racing in Sasa Bay (Apra Harbor, Piti) benefiting sail racing and youth sailing on Guam.
“GTA is excited to host the ‘Sail Thru Life’ Regatta together with the Marianas Yacht Club. This event is in line with our brand focus on the iconic proa, a great sailing vessel in Guam’s history. We are proud to be the communications company that helps all of Guam’s people ‘Sail Thru Life’ with the most technologically-advanced products and services to fit your needs wherever you live, work or play. We invite everyone to enjoy the sail races with us and thank the Marianas Yacht Club for their efforts in this great family event.” Michele Catahay, GTA Marketing and Communications.